'Intégrate' centers from Bogotá received a special mention in the IDB award

'Intégrate' centers from Bogotá received a special mention in the IDB awardPhoto: Bogotá Mayor's Office
The Intégrate Centers, located in the SuperCADE Network, are part of the strategy recognized by the IDB in its most recent award.

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The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) announced the winners of the 2022 Edition of the 'Gobernarte - Pablo Valenti Award' and awarded a special mention to the Mayor's Office of Bogotá for its integration program for new Bogotá citizens. 

The 'Gobernarte - Pablo Valenti Award' is an annual contest organized by the IDB that aims to identify, reward, and document the most innovative practices in different areas of public management at the local or regional level.  

During the most recent edition of the award, public projects were recognized on issues related to the management of migratory flows, and also to the prevention of and response to the crime of human trafficking. 

Among a total of 68 proposals from 13 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, the winners in the category of migratory flows were the State of Sonora (Mexico), the Prefecture of Sao Paulo (Brazil), and the Mayor's Office of San Miguel (El Salvador), in the first three places respectively. 

In this same category, the Mayor's Office of Bogotá received a special mention for the district strategy for the inclusion and integration of new Bogotá citizens, through which it proposes strategic institutional actions in alliance with the private sector, international cooperation, and civil society organizations to protect the human rights of people in situations of human mobility. 

Through initiatives such as the Intégrate Centers of the SuperCADE network, which are part of the strategy, the Mayor's Office has provided benefits to around 650,000 Venezuelan migrants, refugees, and/or returnees through the services provided for development and social integration. 

Below, a tweet from the official account of the Inter-American Development Bank announcing the winners of the 'Gobernarte - Pablo Valenti Award' 2022: