Bogotá is amongst the 5 most walkable cities in the world

Women walking through Bogota
Walking is vital for improving health, reducing the transportation emissions

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Bogotá is amongst the 5 most walkable cities in the world. This was demonstrated in a study done by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policies (ITDP).

Walkable Bogota

This study shows the cities that are most convenient for walking. The IDTP says that walking is vital for improving health, reducing the transportation emissions that cause global warming, and for building stronger communities and local economies.

In addition to this, it highlighted that very few cities in the world give priority to pedestrians.

The first measurement evaluated the proportion of people who lived within 100 meters of places with no cars, such as parks, streets and pedestrian squares.

Bogota friendly to pedestrians

In this first measurement, Hong Kong was rated in the first position, followed by Moscow, Paris, Bogotá and London.

The second measurement looked at the proportion of people living within a kilometer from health care and education services.

Here Paris ranked first followed by Lima, London, Santiago and Bogotá.

The third measurement was the average size of the blocks, since smaller blocks make people walk directly without detours.

In this measurement, the city that ranked first was Khartoum, followed by Bogotá, Lima, Karachi and Tokyo.

“If you really want to see what’s worst for walkability, it's really big cities in the United States. They may have large sidewalks, but everything is so far away that it is practically impossible to walk to the grocery store or school. " Said Taylor Reich, an ITDP researcher.